I dont know what I was thinking when I created this account under the username "Adeebness" I guess it was because "Adeeb" was taken and so was virtually everything else I could think of. Naturally penis came to mind and so I came up with the name Adeebness, but times have changed. And as I devote myself more and more to animation I realize I need a more catchy name, names like "Asmosis" and "AstroSlice" have been stolen by the 5 billion other bastards in this tiny spec on the universe. And so after months of deliberation, and a plea to Wade Fulp himself, I came up with "AdeebX" As you know by now, numbers diverge from the title, but X itself is a variable which symbolizes the infinite greatness of my unequivocal failure of originality, voila perfection. Now I may be taken seriously and my work will flow like the tears of a bison.
Btw check out my youtubechannel if you haven't already.
I've been practicing none stop and am working on something on picoday, If I can pass it by then.